This historic iron bridge spanning the Tippecanoe River dates to 1897 but provides a peaceful getaway today. The Old Chinworth Bridge Trail, nearly two miles long, is perfect for hikers and bicyclists, who can learn some area history as they traverse the asphalt trail, which incorporates two historic bridges along the way. It’s all part of the Lake City Greenway, which includes a picnic area. If you bring along a canoe or kayak, you can launch here for an afternoon of paddling on the gentle Tippecanoe River. The Old Chinworth Bridge is on the National Registry of Historic Places. The property now belongs to the Kosciusko County Historical Society, but originally was built on the township line that separated Chief Mota’s reservation from Chief’s Checosee’s reservation. The bridge is located near the intersection of Old US 30 and CR 350 West, Warsaw.