Fish thrive in Kosciusko County lakes and rivers, and the thrill of catching them lures fishermen young and old. However, some unique fish create even more excitement, and local experts Aaron Voirol of Voirol Charters and Webster Lake guide Chae Dolson know where and how to catch them.

Man holding catfish on a boat
Voirol Charters

Walleye make a welcome catch anytime, and are found biting primarily in Winona Lake, although some are also caught in Pike, Waubee and Dewart lakes and Tippy River, Voirol said. In early spring to summer, he uses an inline or Mepps spinner at a quarter to three-quarter-ounce weight in two to six feet of water. He likes the white feather, but yellow, black or red also work. In summer, he likes a Lindy rig with quarter-ounce weight and live leech or minnow at 15-25 feet depth or outside break lines. Due to heavy summer boat traffic, fish early morning or late afternoon with a crawler harness under a slip float in 5-15 feet. “In fall, use live minnows on a Lindy rig at 20-30 feet because the weeds are heavier then, and you need deeper water,” he said.

Northern pike populate  Wawasee, Chapman and Winona, but also you’ll see them in Dewart, Syracuse, Wawasee, Center, Pike, the Tippy and Barbee chains and the Tippy river. “In early spring and summer, use big bobbers with big minnows in back bay cattails, as they are shallow and warm in springtime. Also try off large land points, islands or humps in the lake at 10-20 feet,” he said.

Man in red sweatshirt holding two largemouth bass
Largemouth Bass

White bass are largely seen in the Tippy Lakes chain and Winona Lake, but also in Pike, the Barbee Lakes chain and Yellow Creek Lake. Voirol has success in early spring to summer with a white Mepps spinner or shad-colored lipless crank bait off land points or wind-blown shorelines, where the wind pushes food. Measuring 12-18 inches long and up to 2.5 pounds, they can be a thrill to land. “In late fall to winter, target deeper, from 30-70 feet. They school there chasing bait, so use a flashy blade bait or jigging rap up from that depth. A white bass 16-18 inches long is a blast coming up from that depth. I’ve caught 30 or so in an hour and a half. Check your depth finder for schools. Sometimes January is worth fighting the cold,” Voirol said.

Pumpkin seed sunfish can be caught in the Winona Lake canal and the majority of Kosciusko lakes in quickly warming channels or bays from early spring to summer. Due to its varying colors, it can look foreign and almost tropical. “Use a slip float fished with a red worm or crawler,” Voirol said. “Leeches or wax worms are good, too. Sometimes they will sun and hang out on the surface, so then you can use a fly rod with dry fly and let it float.”

Man holding Muskellunge on a boat

Muskellunge, or “muskies,” are alpha predators in northern U.S. rivers and lakes, and resemble the northern pike in shape and profile, said Chae Dolson, Webster Lake guide. “Musky have an elongated body with a stubby ‘gator look and a mouthful of teeth. They only inhabit a small percentage of our lakes, and are not as common as bluegill or bass,” Dolson said. Muskies largely populate Webster, but the Barbee and Tippy lake chains also host them.

“Fun sometimes doesn’t accurately describe catching a big musky,” Dolson said. “It’s more like intense and exciting wrapped in one, followed by enthusiasm! Patience is helpful with these fish, for sure. Be ready any time baits are in the water, even at the boat. Muskies like weeds and baitfish, plus water temperatures on the rise toward 80 in the spring toward summer. Catching one on the figure 8 is a big thrill.”

For maps of Kosciusko County lakes with information on lake depth, access sites, lake bottoms, and types of fish, view the Lake Directory published by the Lilly Center for Lakes & Streams.

Yvonne Schroder